1. Introduction
Every worker should strive and aim to maintain professionalism at the workplace. When someone is not professional, they feel free to engage in misconduct. Unprofessionalism in the organization poses a potential risk to the overall company’s effectiveness. While some companies or organizations do not emphasize professional behavior as much as business accomplishments, a lack of professionalism undermines dedication in other vital areas of performance. Lack of professionalism weakens cooperation, censures morale by irritating employees who habitually display professional behavior, and sets a baseless pattern of an unprofessional workplace. In the end, insufficient professionalism can fasten negativity, putting the work environment under pressure and arousing turnover. Lack of professionalism at the workplace constitutes a formal aspect of organizational behavior that involves an idea centered on actions that exceed professional limits or standards. It denotes stuffy and rude practices that fracture the workplace’s concealed behavior policies. Workplaces that do not set up rules against things such as social media use during work hours or micro-managing contribute to employees’ inability to take themselves pleasantly in a corporate setting. Without particular ground guidelines, workers rely on their thoughts of good judgment to authorize what is and is not suitable within a corporate setting; those points of view are established, in part, on what is suggested and used by supervisory staff nearly less formal office behaviors.
1.1. Definition of Professionalism
MIT Sloan School of Management defines professionalism as not someone who just possesses a certain level of education, although that is important. Professionalism is a sum of many parts, beyond technical skills. Furthermore, it involves collaboration skills, self-empowerment skills, and concern for impact. Sloan declares competence, teamwork, and leadership as necessary components. In my environment, professionalism means the commitment, the attitude towards a commitment, respectfulness, demeanor, communication, innovation, ethical behavior, time management, accountability, and personality that technicians need to show and scholars must have when they are still at school. Furthermore, in the workplace, it describes the experts or specialists who interact, really know and understand the job, the company’s context, and its co-workers, together and have a vision of the future, revealing the characteristics which must be shown by workers. These aspects pointed out by each researcher show elements that demonstrate responsible behavior and commitments. The same authors at different levels demonstrate that professionals must have the knowledge, skills, and judgment required to maintain and improve competence. Professionals demonstrate a personal commitment to competence by holding ourselves accountable for performance and continuous learning. Professionals also must exhibit a commitment to excellence and influence others to do the same. Therefore, the development of the body of knowledge achieved with the knowledge equals the commitment to the level of the adoption of the principles. Therefore, the increase in competence, the conduct, and the promotion of ethics is certainly a commitment of the professionalism level. The competence and commitment level is a vision of the professionalism level for jobs in the workplace and at school.
1.2. Importance of Professionalism in the Workplace
If you set and maintain good workplace tendencies, then you are on the right track to succeed in any given circumstances. In general, the strict setting of guidelines in any organization’s work environment boosts its operation, building reputation, and ensures the safety of the workers. Should these necessary behaviors be ignored or missed within the institution, the workforce is left with negative tendencies and an unsafe working environment. Consequently, output production is disrupted within respective organizations. This is also evidenced by the texts of the speech that says: “Where professionalism is deficient at work, a person is also forced to be a victim of indolence” would sometimes tempt an employee to undertake immoral activities. Thus, unethical or negative behaviors may arise in any line of work that someone cannot be fully committed to. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a work environment can be defined as the physical and emotional conditions under which employees work in any organization. With the general definition in mind, it is important to take note of the work ethic or behavior one behaves in any organization. This simply supports the impact of the workplace environment on him and the environment of the employees, and it is easy to corrupt and sway with any challenges or threats that impact the workforce. Furthermore, the workplace is where employees meet socially to strengthen their behaviors and point of views. As social interaction points, employees get the chance to appreciate, grow, and learn to design their principles with professionalism, which are imperative lessons of life. Based on the fact that any organization would want a dedicated workforce that is driven to achieve desired results, then, fostering excellent workplace traits is an essential step to undertake. Development of these traits requires an organization to strictly control and monitor moral traits and provide policies that help in sustaining great professionalism within the employee populace. Policymakers and enforcers play a critical role in preserving good work practices, and ultimately, enhancing ethical conduct ensures an end result of the organization’s performance.
2. Causes of Lack of Professionalism
Now, I am going to talk about the causes of the lack of professionalism in a workplace. There are several causes that may lead to the lack of professionalism in the workplace. Among the main ones are stagnation, psychological suffering and lack of perspective, recentralization of work management and paternalistic managerial practices, and the growth of “supermanagers” positions. Especially in communications and the media, hypocrisy, the exaltation of the “new spirit of capitalism,” based on youthful disposition, agility, dynamism, autoregulation, creativity, and self-renewal, has been recorded. The consumption and the news culture of the post-modernity era are characterized by a kind of puristic, informal, empty language that arises largely from the difficulty of words to embody our perceptions of the real and the subtlety of the constructed reality. Language is not the source or the cause of how things are in reality, just as language change does not mean that the world itself has changed. The language reflects, constructs, and perpetuates this reality, which has been built by capitalism. In this sense, in the post-modernity era, language is formed by short, rapid, concrete sentences, fragmented dialogues, a virtual communicative sequence that refers to advertising language and which, by referring only to the essentials, appears honest.
2.1. Lack of Proper Training and Development
A frequent cause of the lack of professionalism among employees is the lack of proper training and development. While making cuts in spending, training and development of people is usually the first thing to go and the last thing to get restored, and most of the time with only limitations. This leaves workers without the necessary tools to engage with the job market. Training helps employees to understand problems better in a methodological way when they are making use of it. Thus, the quality of the job improves. Training programs aimed at upgrading the skills of the employees to ensure that they keep pace with technological changes. Additionally, there is a need to develop others so that they eventually will take on higher level responsibilities. Training programs should be an integral part of the organizational culture. A professional development plan may include various courses, workshops, seminars, and development programs. Although there have been noteworthy improvements on the part of employers in recognizing the need for investing in the ongoing professional development of employees, many organizations still regard training and development activities as “add-ons” and seek to minimize the costs relative to other strategic initiatives, whereby training programs are often the first to be cut back when organizations begin economizing. If an organization’s mission is to achieve the highest possible standards of professionalism, there needs to be appropriate training of new employees. Unfortunately, sometimes the inverse is true. Less attention is paid to new staff, which has a negative long-lasting impact on the organization. The lack of proper professional training plus staff stagnation in the organization may contribute to a drop in the quality of services. Workers may be using outdated, inefficient methods which may lower the productivity and profitability of the institution. This could impact the reputation of the organization negatively. Essentially, the professional development needs vary in relation to other dimensions of professionalism.
2.2. Poor Leadership and Management
One of the most common reasons for a poor work environment is bad leadership or management. The lack of professionalism shown by certain managers can deeply affect the workplace and even affect the mental health and self-esteem of employees. Professionalism is something that is expected from all employees in a workplace, including management. The moment any worker enters the workplace, they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that benefits their reputation as well as the company’s. The same goes for people in a position of power. They need to lead by example and encourage subordinates to do the same. Professionalism begins at the top. A study conducted established that neglectful leadership demotivates workers, leading to an increasingly unsafe working environment. It was also established that employees under such leadership are more likely to disobey safety rules and procedures, making workplace safety an issue. Another study conducted found that ineffective leaders promoted a sense of betrayal of trust and honesty. Results from the latter study showed that as a result of poor leadership, ethical issues become a concerning matter in a workplace. Employees often feel that they have to lie or deceive higher authority for the sake of maintaining a good image. This often results in a poor work environment as workers are busy trying to avoid mistakes instead of making progress.
2.3. Negative Organizational Culture
Despite people at work can have the best profiles from different views, there are always differences in organizational culture and the way this is reflected in our daily lives. Many times, the great potential of any organization is said to be the employees’ profile search, which should guarantee that all these idealists consider themselves as part of a human team, defending and valuing the ideals of the organization, and considering work as the highest form of divulgation. However, management is not only the creator and visionary of these different visions of showing organizational culture, but it is also the biggest trainer and profiteer of malpractices, even using less creative methods like direct action, especially when not respecting the highest code of conduct and legal ethics. With this, they condition the organizational culture and ensure that employees work just as much as they “have to,” implying that if no effort is given, the less they are worth, the less they offer, and the less any belief in others’ worth. It is fundamental for organizations to have in mind that creativity and innovation are not compatible with slavery and ignorance, and although illustrious congregates consider them as potentiality, there are others who need the presence of this “doubt” — adherent to reality, in order to understand that creativity and innovation should not have consequences because this activity is the foundation of all business. The less we head in that direction (slaughterhouse-productive), the more our occupation (workers-line) seems like the mason’s work, of rubbing and tearing away the man’s faculty, condemned to perform one determined act, and the “real” artists directed by the “poetic math” who value original and perfect creations. We will have an occupation that values the worker less than a blocked-intersection traffic jam. Addressing Peter’s quote again, who brings back the idea that “those who can work for people who understand this will flourish and achieve against all the odds,” we can easily reflect that today there are fewer stars that will achieve the “cautious competitive improvement” (Peters, 1995), contradicting gender and ethical improvements.
3. Effects of Lack of Professionalism
Lack of professionalism at work and its effects The need for demonstrating professionalism in today’s competitive world has consistently been underscored by proponents due to the belief that a professional person is seen as competent and employee respect and confidence levels are enhanced as they consider the professional to be in control. The Kellogg Executive Development Program for Professional Women endorsed such a view by defining professionalism as the foundation upon which we build strong, trusting relationships. Professionalism was said to be essential, and one could not survive in a professional environment without this competency. Moreira and Squires felt that professional behavior and practice was an important part of clinical interaction that could be considered essential to achieving best healthcare practice. Taking these views into consideration, it is clear that the importance of continually demonstrating professional behaviors and attitudes is necessary for surviving in our world today. Byzewski and Courtenay discuss professional development activities in workshops that contribute to facilitating nurses in the realization of their professional identities, tentatively conveying an understanding of health professionals’ experiences of the impact of such workshops. Their research supports an evidence-based process for ongoing professional development of practicing nurses, and their findings endorse that coaching can be an effective strategy to encourage experiential learning. Experience of nurses who had attended these workshops in Cattanach, Johnstone’s study conveyed similar findings when nurses reiterated how the development had helped determine a professional ethos and encouraged professional responsibility through reflective practice. The realization of the workshop designed to change nurses’ perspectives and draw from their experiential learning incorporates their clinical knowledge and practice skills, develop emotional intelligence and help with practicing skills such as coaching and workplace artistry may indicate enhancement of professionalism.
3.1. Decreased Productivity and Efficiency
By letting other types of unprofessional behavior go, you create an environment where you no longer need to follow your company norms. This affects your productivity because you have to spend considerable time and effort to get everyone to make the necessary adjustments. Generally, those who are not professional decrease the efficiency by refusing to listen to instructions, making unnecessary mistakes, and making the work environment tense for everyone else. If those who are not professional have leadership qualities, this can worsen. The truth is that people don’t go to work while they are at work, so the time they spend is lost at work. As a result, the team does not receive the necessary instructions and important actions are overlooked. ‘Absenteeism’ is a problem for many BPOs but it must be noted that stress and/or burnout also play a role. Less serious is job negligence and occurs from one minute to another. Workers who come and go as they please do not affect the team. It is mostly among budding supervisors who disappear from their workstation to deal with employees without considering the potential cost of the 400 other workers at the time. If no one is seen, some people feel that the supervisor is not available. It is always important that there is someone with hierarchical authority in the process. When you invest time meaningfully and communicate directly with employees, they know their views count; if you feel that your opinion is important, you reach your goal; you become a valued team member and target and produce a greater product. Everyone must fully understand the policies and procedures that ultimately benefit the dimensions of your call center. Everyone deserves an opportunity, not only can they improve your BPO dynamic culture, but they are also important in the various processes that affect the operations even more. A supervisor cannot simply enter procedures that you must check. Reviewing them for accuracy and providing feedback is a good thing to avoid any misunderstood statistics. Do you also provide timely feedback on your own performance? They then explore the best practices of your most effective executives. You should lead by example, and this not only ensures your adherence but also gives them much more control of their orders. Imagine setting a goal that every call must answer within the first 30 seconds of all your agents. You can hold them accountable to reduce wasted downtime that the average caller can overcome.
3.2. Negative Impact on Employee Morale
Lack of professionalism at work and its effects The concept of professionalism is increasingly important in protecting employees from unprofessional treatment by their colleagues and employers. Lack of professionalism can result in a toxic workplace that leads to stress, anxiety, and personal depression. It can also have an adverse effect on employee morale. In this respect, a good level of professionalism increases work satisfaction, job commitment, and leads to organizational citizenship behavior. The ability of professionals to behave ethically and responsibly indicates their respect for their job, organization, and surroundings in which they are conducting work. Professionalism, therefore, is also associated with work inventions and career growth. Consequently, it highly encourages professionals in corporate organizations who achieve recognized qualifications by their respectful community. Actually, a sense of collective responsibility is part of the identity of professionals. In this respect, professionals who are both willing and able to regulate their own professional practices and those closely associated with them are often referred to as being “self-regulatory”. Effective self-regulation in the expectation of personal responsibility for professional quality, in delivered services to colleagues by professionals, and in their relationships with service users prompted Callahan to argue that all professionals are required to have a feeling of collective responsibility. Social control through processes such as peer review and monitoring of competence can also help to ensure that only high-quality services are provided by professionals.
3.3. Damage to Company Reputation
Most company leaders are concerned with the reputation of their company. However, it is enough to have just one employee with unsatisfactory behavior to cause a negative impact on the image of the establishment. If a specific employee is identified with the brand, the problem is exacerbated. As we said, the things that keep you worried, in most cases, are related to the lack of linearity and even responsibility in relation to people to take their problems to an environment and to transform how company knowledge is used and experience transmitted. Thinking from the point of view of the companies, it is quite a concern because it takes time management, with the summons of the persons involved, and the financial problems since nobody works without receiving anything. Moreover, for the institutions, the effect of the lack of professionalism is the negative image because people around the institutions identify the professionals who work within them. This effect is of major magnitude, as institutions are institutions, too, until their identity is clearly designed by its collaborators. But with the workers who should transmit professionalism and responsibility even in keywords, the judgments of the people are shown in judging the institution. This is serious damage because, over time, after the image of an institution was smeared, it will be much more difficult to improve the image of an institution that has been negatively scrutinized. And these changes can only be made in the medium and long term with constant behavior and attitudes by institutions and professionals. In addition, if these cases are not solved internally, they can also affect the trust relationship of the institution with its partners.